Format & Application Projects
In the development of projects and application forms, we have analyzed all the main typologies of living space: the house, the hotel, the restaurant, the shop, the condominium, the playground, the gym, the SPA. We have worked to understand what innovations introduce, what to change, both functionally and in terms of services.
We are transforming many of these projects into business formats that can be marketed right away (HighSign Showroom – HighSign New Gym & SPA – HighSign Theme Park, …). In doing so, we have identified new formulas to rethink the attractiveness and effectiveness of shopping malls, shops, and entertaining businesses. Today we are working with specialized companies to finalize all formats.
HighSign Showroom
HighSign Showroom
- A new kind of shop, where we are going to presenting and selling our innovative solutions for the furnishing, : Smartroom, Smartwall, Eclecticus, Mutabilis, Variabilis, Suspenditur, Aqua Scrubching, Moveo…
- A place where will be available all our services for health and well-being (MATER / TimeWaver / IBM Watson), supporting any customer needs 24hx7gg..
- We are able to offer to Real Estate Companies, Constructors and Architects, technical support for the introduction of our new technologies, information, suggestions, systems integration and support for executive and implementation phases
- Our business plan expected to open 35 High Sign Showroom in the world, next four years
HighSign Villa
HighSign Villa, “ideal home”
- Energetically self-sufficient, has been designed with our HighSign holistic methodology. Through a series of phases from design to implementation, considering all aspects capable to improve inhabitants quality of life, health and well-being:
- Environmental diagnostics Survey (Geobiology)
- Inhabitants Medical history and studying of needs and desires
- Selection of materials and construction techniques (Bio-architecture)
- Designing, (basing on previous phases), combining aspects of Bioenergetics, Waves Form, Environmental Magnetism, Feng Shui and Vastu
- Intelligence of the house preparation or customization of MATER, (our software integrating IBM Watson, TimeWaver Machine and advanced Domotic), providing a system that cares and supports the needs, well-being and quality of life of people who will go to live there
HighSign New Gym & SPA
HighSign New Gym & SPA A new places for meeting / share / take care of himself
- Metropolitan oasis, where body and mind have refreshment. We have added to modern gym new dimensions in order to bring fitness activities, SPA areas and restaurant space, to be exciting and multisensorial, also we have inserted the new holistic cabins where mind and body can find balance and energy
- We have been introduced and integrated processes and new technologies with traditionally existing ones in order to get effective support to physical fitness, rebalancing & energy charging, socialization & relaxation, ..
- Customers will find an holistically new way to take care of himself. The physiological & psychological dimensions will find the best support, realizing what was the goal of the ancient Greeks when they had created the concept of the gym (γυμναστήριο), a place where train mind and body;
HighSign Everything Everywhere system
HighSign Everything Everywhere system (Mall/Restaurant/Shop/Entertaining)
we analysed and revolutionized the operations, the processes and the technologies to restart the shopping centre attraction:
- We have designed new functionality able to cancel time spent queuing, introduced new entertainment forms, much closer to the clients expectations.
- Everywhere can have a new kind of buying experience ( both in virtual and real)
- Each container uses multimedia /multi-sensorial/trans-medial technologies, suggesting and getting the user involved in an unique and deep way.
HighSign Park
HighSign Park
Rooms and services designed with multimedia /multi-sensorial/eclectic characteristic for them operations.
- In each area(play rooms, store, restaurant…) we have studied and introduced innovation as for example a system to delete queues and tediousness, multisensory interaction with environments and advertise services and products and attractions.
- We have introduced and integrated a new technologies, together with the traditional existing technologies to offer to the guests an play experience and always new multi-sensorial interaction. …
Vertical City Condominium
Vertical City Condominium
- We have put together operating processes, economy, design and sociality in an innovative way promoting positive and pleasing relations
- We have included in each environment the technologies and intelligence, giving residential space proactivity
- We have studied and designed the innovative services that make this Condominium as a small independent city;
Whatever You Want Hotel
Whatever You Want Hotel
- We have designed Rooms and Services using our new multimedia /multi-sensorial/eclectic characteristics
- In the gym/spa, restaurant, office and shopping centre we have introduced and integrated new technologies with the traditional ones, to offer always new stay experience.
- Redesigning a Suite or an complete floor or entire hotel, we are able to bring innovation in each level even in existing buildings
HighSign Smartroom
HighSign Smartroom (Total Immersive Cinema & Art)
- 6 active walls, management and control of Video, Audio, Olfactory, Temperature and Climate. A real 5D experience, where the viewer is in the center of entertainment session;
- Immersive movie, total arts installations are the main Smartroom applications;
- It’s a true virtual simulation environment, involving all senses, user doesn’t need to wear any optical devices yet
- This is the future for entertainment halls …
HighSign Restaurant
HighSign Restaurant
- New kind of “eclectic” space, which changes depending on customer needs: it could be a restaurant or a bar or a special room for events or a business meetings…
- Spaces that fit the needs for customers bookings (few minutes to change the layout of each area, private rooms sizing and characteristics)
- We have inserted devices that can detect shortage and intolerances, giving capability to get tips on the most suitable food for the condition in which the customer is.
- We have been developed some formats (Convivia & Modus Vivendi) prepared to address various customer target …
HighSign Shop and Showroom
HighSign Shop and Showroom (Interactive Emotional Purchase System)
New concept store, revisited in technologies and functionalities. The shopping experience is engaging, sharable with the world, with a small presence of real products. There is no longer a feeling of being in a store but in a meeting place where socializing and create shopping experiences:
- Capability to implement every aspect of the “Experiential Marketing” both mono and multi-brand.
- The retail space can get to be “100% virtual” with “zero stock” and “zero staff“
- Attractiveness achieved by new multisensory / multimedia technologies, “interactive scenarios / tailor-made”, 7dx24h windows working, becoming a proper marketing desktop with direct access to stores front windows feedback
- We incorporated innovative technologies and sensors to create the atmosphere to facilitate the development of purchasing intentions, capturing the customer’s emotions. We studied the logistics processes to streamline customer loyalty operations, and product delivery…
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